Mental Health

A Healthy Body and Mind


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Couple Coaching


We offer a private, confidential safe place for clients to talk. This therapy is to help clients cope with mental health issues, emotional problems and challenging situations. Our Counsellors will help you to address your problems in a positive way by helping you to clarify the issues, explore options, develop strategies and increase self-awareness. Treatment is normally on a weekly basis.

£50 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a type of talking treatment which focuses on how your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes affect your feelings and behaviour. CBT aims to teach you effective coping strategies for dealing with different problems throughout life.

£45 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Couple Coaching

Thankfully we are seeing that most relationships can be saved with the right focus and strategies, but many individuals in their relationship can feel there situation is hopeless and give up far too soon. Couple Coaching is all about helping couples create a dynamic, respectful, and romantic consious relationship that compliments there journey together.

£55 (75 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Bereavement Counselling

Life Coaaching


Bereavement Counselling

Everyone at some time in their life grieves for the loss of a loved one. Grieveing is actually part of the healing process. However it is a difficult time as we may be suffering anxiety. We may not feel that we done enough for them or maybe we said something we shouldn’t have. A Bereavement Counsellor will support Clients through the different stages of grief and help them resume their lifes.

£45 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Life Coaaching

Life Coaching is an investment in yourself and it will benefit your entire life. Sometimes we know exactly where it is we want to go in our lifes, and sometimes we know we aren’t happy but don’t know why. Life Coaching will benefit you by helping you to set goals you really want to achieve, by distinguishing between what you could do, should do, ought to do and really want to do.
When you create an ideal goal – something you really want – you are more likely to take action to achieve it. A Life Coach works with you to create a step by step plan – a dynamic, workable plan enabling you to achieve your dreams. Your Life Coach will give you support, encouragement and motivation.

£45 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after


Our Hypnotherapy Therapist uses Hypnotheraphy to help clients deal with stress,fear and anxiety. It can also help coping with the symptoms of panic disorder. While under hypnosis, a person with panic disorder may be guided to bring attention to coping with pacific symptoms and overcoming limiting behaviours.

£55 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Coping Strategies

Self Confidence and Self Esteem

Alcohol, Drug, Food And Gambling Addiction

Coping Strategies

During these sessions you will learn to release pent up emotions, how to distract yourself from thoughts, manage hostile feelings, meditating and mindfulness using relaxation methods.

£45 (70 minutes)

Self Confidence and Self Esteem

The first thing is to understand the clients story and see what it is like to walk in there shoes. We need to understand why they are feeling this way and help them identify the negative thoughts they have that has lead to there poor self confidence and self esteem. We would look at how it affects there behaviour and how they function.

£45 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Alcohol, Drug, Food And Gambling Addiction

Addiction Counselling Therapy can look at any form of behaviour that may be causing you concern. There are many misconceptions about what addiction and addictive behaviour is, many people associate addictions with actions like: drinking, gambling, smoking, food and using drugs. However it is possible to get addicted to almost any activity eg; work, sex, shopping, the internet, gadgets, exercise and healthy eating. Addiction Counselling seeks to explore where the behaviour has its routes and discover the underlying issue or trigger.

£45 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Self Development Counselling

Gestalt Therapy

Anger Management

Self Development Counselling

Self Development Counselling can help identify and improve any areas of life that might need attention. Some people use Self Development Counselling for help with career or family matters, when they feel stuck and unmotivated or when they feel they are not reaching their full potential.

£45 (60 minutes)

Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt Therapy is a highly positive and practical integrative therapeutic approach. A Gestalt Therapist helps people focus on their immediate thoughts, feelings and behaviour and to better understand the way they relate to others. The increase awareness can help people to find a new perspective, see the bigger picture and start to effect changes. The person will gain a greater holistic awareness and increased insight into how they think, feel and act is very liberating. It builds self confidence, frees people to address issues and helps them to live life to their fullest potential. This Therapy is effective in treating a wide range of issues such as anxiety, stress, addiction, tension and depression. Gestalt offers people a safe, supportive space to explore difficult feelings, to understand the underlying patterns in personal relationships and to begin making practical changes.

£55 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Anger Management

Our trained professional counsellors can help you explore the causes of your anger and ways to manage it. This can help you work through your feelings and improve your responses to situations that make you angry.


£45 (60 minutes)

Virtual Counselling/CBT

Virtual Counselling/CBT

£45- 60 minutes



We offer a private, confidential safe place for clients to talk. This therapy is to help clients cope with mental health issues, emotional problems and challenging situations. Our Counsellors will help you to address your problems in a positive way by helping you to clarify the issues, explore options, develop strategies and increase self-awareness. Treatment is normally on a weekly basis.

£50 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a type of talking treatment which focuses on how your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes affect your feelings and behaviour. CBT aims to teach you effective coping strategies for dealing with different problems throughout life.

£45 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Couple Coaching

Couple Coaching

Thankfully we are seeing that most relationships can be saved with the right focus and strategies, but many individuals in their relationship can feel there situation is hopeless and give up far too soon. Couple Coaching is all about helping couples create a dynamic, respectful, and romantic consious relationship that compliments there journey together.

£55 (75 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Bereavement Counselling

Bereavement Counselling

Everyone at some time in their life grieves for the loss of a loved one. Grieveing is actually part of the healing process. However it is a difficult time as we may be suffering anxiety. We may not feel that we done enough for them or maybe we said something we shouldn’t have. A Bereavement Counsellor will support Clients through the different stages of grief and help them resume their lifes.

£45 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Life Coaaching

Life Coaaching

Life Coaching is an investment in yourself and it will benefit your entire life. Sometimes we know exactly where it is we want to go in our lifes, and sometimes we know we aren’t happy but don’t know why. Life Coaching will benefit you by helping you to set goals you really want to achieve, by distinguishing between what you could do, should do, ought to do and really want to do.
When you create an ideal goal – something you really want – you are more likely to take action to achieve it. A Life Coach works with you to create a step by step plan – a dynamic, workable plan enabling you to achieve your dreams. Your Life Coach will give you support, encouragement and motivation.

£45 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after



Our Hypnotherapy Therapist uses Hypnotheraphy to help clients deal with stress,fear and anxiety. It can also help coping with the symptoms of panic disorder. While under hypnosis, a person with panic disorder may be guided to bring attention to coping with pacific symptoms and overcoming limiting behaviours.

£55 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Coping Strategies

Coping Strategies

During these sessions you will learn to release pent up emotions, how to distract yourself from thoughts, manage hostile feelings, meditating and mindfulness using relaxation methods.

£45 (70 minutes)

Self Confidence and Self Esteem

Self Confidence and Self Esteem

The first thing is to understand the clients story and see what it is like to walk in there shoes. We need to understand why they are feeling this way and help them identify the negative thoughts they have that has lead to there poor self confidence and self esteem. We would look at how it affects there behaviour and how they function.

£45 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Alcohol, Drug, Food And Gambling Addiction

Alcohol, Drug, Food And Gambling Addiction

Addiction Counselling Therapy can look at any form of behaviour that may be causing you concern. There are many misconceptions about what addiction and addictive behaviour is, many people associate addictions with actions like: drinking, gambling, smoking, food and using drugs. However it is possible to get addicted to almost any activity eg; work, sex, shopping, the internet, gadgets, exercise and healthy eating. Addiction Counselling seeks to explore where the behaviour has its routes and discover the underlying issue or trigger.

£45 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Self Development Counselling

Self Development Counselling

Self Development Counselling can help identify and improve any areas of life that might need attention. Some people use Self Development Counselling for help with career or family matters, when they feel stuck and unmotivated or when they feel they are not reaching their full potential.

£45 (60 minutes)

Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt Therapy is a highly positive and practical integrative therapeutic approach. A Gestalt Therapist helps people focus on their immediate thoughts, feelings and behaviour and to better understand the way they relate to others. The increase awareness can help people to find a new perspective, see the bigger picture and start to effect changes. The person will gain a greater holistic awareness and increased insight into how they think, feel and act is very liberating. It builds self confidence, frees people to address issues and helps them to live life to their fullest potential. This Therapy is effective in treating a wide range of issues such as anxiety, stress, addiction, tension and depression. Gestalt offers people a safe, supportive space to explore difficult feelings, to understand the underlying patterns in personal relationships and to begin making practical changes.

£55 (60 minutes) with 15 mins padding after

Anger Management

Anger Management

Our trained professional counsellors can help you explore the causes of your anger and ways to manage it. This can help you work through your feelings and improve your responses to situations that make you angry.


£45 (60 minutes)

Virtual Counselling/CBT

Virtual Counselling/CBT

£45- 60 minutes