Special Offers

We have a number of special offers available at Rosewood. Please check back regularly for new offers. Please make us aware of any intolerances or allergies.

Valentines Couples Hot Stone Massage

Valentines Couples Hot Stone Massage

Relaxing full body Hot Stone massage using our hot aromatherapy sweet almond, lavender ,patchouli and geranium oils which calm the nervous system, lifts the mood and enhances the sensual experience . Afterwards enjoy complementary teas/coffee + warm scones with fresh cream and scones + chocolates and bubbly. Enjoy❤️

£65 per person



Valentines Couples Hot Stone Massage

Valentines Couples Hot Stone Massage

Relaxing full body Hot Stone massage using our hot aromatherapy sweet almond, lavender ,patchouli and geranium oils which calm the nervous system, lifts the mood and enhances the sensual experience . Afterwards enjoy complementary teas/coffee + warm scones with fresh cream and scones + chocolates and bubbly. Enjoy❤️

£65 per person

